Walking Boots

These old boots have been left on top of a chicken coop in a field where I walked the dog. I noticed them several days ago and have been meaning to go back with the camera. Whilst thinking about what to blip for today (day 1 of year 2) I remembered the boots and thought they would fit with Derelict Thursday as well as Colour in he October Challenge. They have clearly not been used for sometime as there is a considerable amount of green algae growing on them - maybe they were green originally - I couldn't tell.

The footpath going through this field is part of the route created years ago so that villagers could bypass the unpleasant sight and smell of the last gibbetting in the village and still make it to church! (see my past blip for more historical detail)

The footpath now goes through the back gardens of quite a few houses and it is clear that walkers are not wanted due to the many difficult stiles, including a couple where I literally had to lift the dog over! I don't think many people walk that path now!

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