2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

So that's what you're doing

I guess it's pretty much the same for most parents.

After the tearful goodbyes and return home with one less in the car, we wait to hear...

And we wait......

Times have changed in the 30+ years since I went to University.

Communication then was a call from a phone box once a week.

If I didn't like the conversation I could use the excuse of running out of 10p coins, or there was a queue to use the phone.

With so much social media and mobile technology it's harder for students to "hide".

As we wondered what Adam might be doing I spotted his calendar.

So that's what he's doing this week.

Who knows what next week will bring.

The odd communication we do get suggests he's enjoying life. We can't ask for any more than that.

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