
By victoriangeny


This is a picture of me and two of my co-workers, Tammra, and Jordan. They are two of my three best friends from work, whenever we all work together, its nothing but chaos. We all decided that we need to hang out outside of work, so we just had to wait until a day that we all had off. This past week, we all had off Tuesday, so we went to Aroogas in Hershey. On the drive there, Tammra and I nagged Jordan because he was driving too slow. Once we got to Aroogas, that’s when things began to get funny. We sat down in out booth, and immediately Tammra and I started acting up. We did nothing but mess around the entire time we were there. When we were waiting for our check, I asked Jordan if I could drive his car(he has a nice car). He told me no, but unfortunately for him, I don’t accept the answer “no” that well. He had his keys sitting on the table and I stole them. Finally, he caved and let me drive to Chocolate World, to discover that we couldn’t even go in because it was 5:55 p.m. and it closes at 6 p.m. After we couldn’t go to Chocolate World, we just decided to go home. It was a really fun night with two of my favorite co-workers.

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