
By Grimsayer

The Cuillins

On a clear day, looking east from much of Uist you will be able to see the Cuillin ridge and indeed on a really clear day, further away the mountains of Rhum. The Cuillin Ridge is probably one of the toughest ridges in Scotland and includes the aptly named Inaccessible Pinnacle - one of only two Munroes that require rock climbing to get to the top.
The Cuillins in this image must be at least 50 miles away and so you can see they are impressive, Recently a film of a lunatic cyclist called Danny Macaskill cycling this ridge was released on Youtube. Do watch it - this link takes you to it. You will see why the Inaccessible Pinnacle needs some rock climbing!
Playing at Bob the Builder today replacing the bath tap and putting up a shower screen as well as moving around a lot of stuff to try and maximise our limited space. We need one of those people to come and tell us to get rid of stuff and stop hoarding but a life of living in large boarding school houses has never encouraged that.

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