The Clearing Fairies

I really do compost garden and kitchen refuse. I have a black compost bin which I try to layer kitchen scraps, leaves, grass, etc. properly.
And then I have a big pile for larger garden refuse next to the pile of branches set up for a winter shelter for mice, voles, rabbits and to entertain Gracie T-t.
Still there are the slow-to-compost cuttings, weeds, and so forth from the ever expanding garden. This includes thorny rose branches, loads of goldenrod wands just going to seed, big annuals done living their lives. For these and other compostable garden refuse I would like to see recycled I take advantage of the Oxford pick up service. Taxes are paid for this service by every resident. It could be the same good fairies who move all the snow off the streets (beginning in a week) that are employed seasonally to keep us looking neat and clean.
I have never figured out what schedule these men follow. Not the first Friday of the month or such. I think they just get in their red truck and drive around to see what bags of leaves or pile of bushes are set out. Then very early on a morning they drive around in this truck and someone with a front loader fills up the back
I tried to catch these good fairies as they drove past today. I got most of the truck. Soon the front loader will be by too... at about 6 a.m. next Uesday (?).
Village life.

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