Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Northern Harrier Takes On Red-tailed Hawk

Today was a perfect day to revisit the Ridgefield NWR in Washington. I called my birding buddy Debby and she was able to get away for a bit....so off we went to see what we could find. There were the usual suspects, but the Northern Harriers were abundant and going after this Red-tailed Hawk. They buzzed her over and over, finally knocking her off her perch.

We were advised by a passerby (in his car) that we had missed the owl near #6...we went around again, but never could locate it. Maybe next time!

We saw a family of five raccoons winding their way through the tall grass....every once it a while they'd stop and look, or you'd see a striped tail appear....so cute!!!

For more photos, check out my flickr set.

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