Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Look of love

I still can't get over how much joy my dog George has brought into my life. Oh those of you without dogs must get sick and tired of us pet owners putting up yet another picture of our blessed animals, but I used to be like you!

I never really got dogs - cats sure, I could see the point of having a cat - but a dog seemed to bring all the disadvantages of a young child but with none of the advantages ( hopefully major earning ability in one's dotage).

But this dog - what a companion. Such intelligence and willingness to please in those brown eyes. He's always got his eyes on me. It's quite astonishing. And he os SO obedient. I never have to use a lead with him.

People can be so quick to hurt - sometimes unintentionally. Perhaps that is what is so comforting about our animals - they bring all the loving side of relationship, but without any of the hurtful sad side...

I count his arrival into my life as one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

I love him.

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