
By Marlytyz

Flowering Yucca

I think I am becoming a slave to the Aga. Because it comes on automatically, I feel obliged to constantly be baking and cooking in order not to waste the energy.
Therefore I was up at the crack of dawn to bake scones, muffins, a Victoria sponge and biscuits for friends who were coming for afternoon tea.
I felt very pleased to be ahead of myself and headed off to the shops early afternoon to buy some fillings for the sandwiches.
On my return I was met by two guilty looking dogs with crumbs all over their mouths. They had eaten 12 muffins and 9 scones. It was too late to start again so we were left with a very depleted tea table.
This image is of the flowering yucca which has nothing to do with the anecdote accompanying it!

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