Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Bassaleg Village

The blip photo is of Bassaleg Village, Newport, South Wales, taken from above. It's a place I've known since I was very young. My mums parents often took me, when I was knee high to a grasshopper, to visit my 'aunty Steph and Uncle Len'. They lived a few doors from The Post Office in the village, where she worked. She was also keyholder to the nearby church. The house was sold last year after they died.

Years later I was 'in digs' with them when I worked in Newport. I then owned a few properties myself, in the village over the years. Now seldom does a day go past when I don't travel through it. It's the quickest way to get on the M4 at Tredegar Park (junction 28).

It's nice to see things from a different angle and this certainly is just that. The aerial view is looking West on the A468 as it winds it's way to Caerphilly.

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