Last day

Our last day in Ethiopia. In the morning, we walked to the museum which is on the University campus about a mile away from our hotel. It's a dusty, musty kind of place, housed in Haile Selassie's former Palace. As well as exhibits about Ethiopian history and culture, there is an art gallery and you can visit the Emperor's apartments, which I find a bit spooky.
In the afternoon, we went to visit a hospice run by Italian nuns. Sister Emma has been here for 34 years. D was here 10 days ago and saw this lady with burns to both legs. The Sisters have been applying sugar paste to the wounds and they are healing well. Now her sister (in the photo) is learning to apply the paste and dress the wounds.
We had a tour of the hospice - two wards (for men and women), a kitchen, dining room and a chapel made out of a shipping container.
We had coffee and biscuits and I left full of admiration for all that the Sisters do with no government funding, just relying on donations to look after as many patients as they can as well as feeding 60 Street children twice a day.
Sad to leave them, saying "Ciao" and "Mille grazie" and waving until we could no longer see them from the car, but Sarah's going back in a few weeks time to spend a week there. She can report on the progress of the sugar paste treatment.

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