Thanks goodness for friends!

Today hasn't been much of a day for photo opportunities so apologies for this bad blip! But then again I began this blipping malarky to document this year and this does show what I have done today....BASICALLY PACKED....ALL DAY!

Headed off to Romania on a mission trip tomorrow (so hopefully the blips will be better) really excited for the week ahead but will definitely miss people but was glad to spend some time with these people at Ignite tonight plus we had a really good discipleship session lead by Charley on the righteous anger of God (romans 1).

Today has been pretty stressful though! The largest case I could find was TOTALLY filled by all the kids clothes and toys I've been given to take so it was looking like i was going to have to live in the clothes i flew in! But luckily thanks to my absolutely brilliant YW I've been lent a small suitcase suitable for hand luggage meaning at least i'll have a few changes of clothes! I owe her big time!

Should probably head to bed now considering I'm off to the airport in 5 hours! Eeeekkk!!

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