I decided to go to Brighton this morning, but it was getting a little late, so I got washed, dressed, feathers preened, hair coiffed etc. as quickly as I could! After quite a dull day, weather-wise, in Brighton, the sun came out for the last hour for a showy-offy sunset.

The starlings were performing their impressive, swooping, turning, aerial dance by the pier before roosting, but on the wrong side of the sunset when I was on the pier. I shouted to them, asking if they wouldn't mind swooping over the other side of the pier, so I could get the sunset behind them, but they just ignored me (rude birds, starlings). So I tried to get them and the reflection of the sunset behind me through the window arches, which had turned golden in the sunset glow, but you can only see about seven black splodges of starling through the window and a big smudge in the bottom left hand corner from my grubby lens! I didn't know there was a giant smudge on it, until I saw all the photos I took today had a misty bit on them. I probably wiped a bit of my sticky apple danish on the lens when I was having lunch on the beach. Now that wouldn't have happened if I'd had a stick of celery.

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