I've had a tray of winter bedding, sitting waiting in my garden for me to plant up for a while now, getting slightly impatient, leggy and limp in their little pots. Unfortunately, they weren't going to jump into their new, large pot homes themselves, so after a lot of huffing, puffing, swearing as I bashed a pot down on my fingers, trying to get the stuck summer bedding out, they were potted up. Hopefully the squirrel won't dig them up this time, planting his nuts in the compost and tossing the poncey pansies over the side, the cheeky blighter!

I had a walk through the parks this afternoon and saw this fine, handsome, plump fellow perched on a bench in Kensington Gardens.
Then had a quick visit to the Make Life Worth Living photography exhibition in the Science Museum that I'd been meaning to visit since I saw it advertised, which I found interesting and quite shocking to see the conditions some people were living in in the 60s/early 70s in the slums of the big cities. I was surprised to come outside to darkness after...it felt like the middle of the night instead of early evening.

Another enjoyable weekend gone by far too quickly!

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