My Time Abroad

By jrgoode

Prescription bottles are brown here!

Unfortunately, I had to spend the morning of my second day in Rotorua in an urgent care because I developed some weird lookin stuff around that cut I got about 2 weeks ago. It wasn't healing properly and it needed to be checked out. Turned out to be an infection so now I'm on penicillin for it. They had to poke the little spots around the cut with needles and I have to wear a gauze on my leg for the next week or so :/

The doctor informed me I couldn't take any mud baths or go in any thermal pools, something Rotorua is very famous for. I also couldn't Zorb which is basically rolling down a hill in a giant inflatable ball filled with water. So instead we took a trip to the farm where I held the most adorable little lamb I also got to feed him a bottle! Let me tell you those things are soft! We also got to watch a sheep get sheered and milked a cow haha.

Later that night there was a Night Market with a bunch of food stands and live music. I got another tasty hot dog haha with avocado and tomatoes on it. Also had some delicious strawberry ice cream.

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