A special place

From the point which separates Our Beach from Southend Snells beach, a flattish rock platform extends a hundred or so metres into the bay. At high tide the connection with the shore is under water (by little more than ankle height), while the seaward end remains uncovered by water, except for the highest of high tides.

The rocks at the end are a favourite spot for fishing; some hardy souls do dive off the end for a challenging swim; the birds tend to congregate here. A special place.

This morning my run started at Algies Bay and went around the point to Our Beach and then on around to Snells Beach. As I neared the Special Place, two toreapango (oystercatchers) swooped in and landed, closely followed by a taranui (Caspian Tern). I fancy that this particular taranui spends a large amount of time on this particular part of the rocks. I frequently see a single taranui here, and not infrequently it is in amongst a crowd of toreapango. One of the pair which arrived first was only a metre away at the time of this photo.

A restful day at the beach house. Stirred myself enough to hoe up some soil around the rapidly growing potatoes planted a few weekends ago. And to put up some chain for the climbing rose against the fence. Little other exertion. After a light meal we will head back to the city; well after all the traffic, I hope.

Thanks to those who looked and gave me feedback on yesterday's fortunate coincidence of kuaka and sunrise. I was surprised by elevation to the spotlight page.

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