Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Golden brown

What is it about our family and broken iPhones....last week Adam's phone stopped getting service and so would not work as a phone or to text yet it still worked with wifi. We found out from Carphone Warehouse that it was still under warranty and that Apple should change it with no problems - we booked an appointment with Apple which was late this afternoon. Adam insisted on driving there in the traffic, which was a bit stressful for me in the passenger seat. However, Apple were not very helpful, they were quite brusque and said it had water damage because inside the phone a water sensor had been triggered and so would not cover it under warranty. Not sure how that happened, we were unaware of anything like that happening to that phone. We went back to our local Carphone Warehouse who are always lovely and provide the best service, and claimed a new phone under the insurance policy and instead of taking 2 days for a new phone they allowed Adam to swap his phone there and then provided I paid the excess - result! As he leaves for Holland on choir tour on Thursday he was desperate to have a phone with him for the trip.

Adam's driving is very good but I am a nervous passenger so I hate having to go out with him. He drove all the way to Kingston and back in peak hour traffic, it got dark on the return journey, so had to cope with cyclists with poor lighting, an emergency fire truck which caused the cars to pull over in all directions...'but that's my lane!' We survived and he has another lesson tomorrow and I have booked his driving test for 23 December, in the school holidays.

It was such a beautiful day that I had planned to take a photo of the Thames at Kingston at sunset, but we were stuck in the Apple store at that time, so luckily I had taken some leaves on the lawn earlier in the day - I love their colours.

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