From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

And then the sun came out...

I awoke to the roar of the sea and heavy rain hitting my window this morning and reluctantly dragged myself out of bed shaking off my pleasant dream.

I tried my new hairdryer this morning and was well pleased. I felt like I'd been through a wind tunnel or stood outside facing the sea breeze for a while. The good thing was that it didn't wake mom, I found out later. The old clanky one was really noisy and sounded like a street sweeper.

It was a quiet start to the day and I was quite happy setting up new starters until without warning, my work window shut down at 9:15. I used my phone to check that there wasn't any trouble with the wifi and then once I was sure that other sites (Tesco and Amazon) still loaded OK I phoned the help desk to tell them that the Solihull Web Portal was down. I'm ashamed to say I watched most of Jeremy Kyle while I was waiting for someone to get back to me.

One of the network guys sorted me out eventually getting me to go through some advanced settings on my laptop and changing a couple of things and then I was able to get connected again. I was a bit puzzled as to why I'd been OK working yesterday and first thing this morning. Altaf then told me that they had changed some security settings at the Solihull end around the exact time I'd started having problems! I was extremely good and didn't go bananas. These little incidents liven up the day...

About half an hour before I finished work, the sun came out! I was already smiling anyway as it had been a pretty good day in the end but that really made a difference. Even though mom had already been out twice and gotten soaked both times, she decided to go out again with me with a bag of bread for the birds.

The whole time we were there I was conscious of the fact that the sky was turning a wonderful colour in the direction of the sea so we emptied the bread bag over the wall to let the geese and gulls fight amongst themselves and then we hurried down to the seafront only just in time to catch my picture for the day. It was a hard choice!

Go large

Track? Another from Gary Moore today - One Day

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