Difficult Dinosaur Day

Whoever said men can build CLEARLY hasn't seen these guys try to put the foam dinosaurs together for the orphanages today!

Today has definitely been a difficult day but has equally been as rewarding and brilliant! The morning was spent in St Andrews, a disabled orphanage near to where we are staying. Was so good to see the staff genuinely love the kids and want to provide the best for them despite the little resources they have! Had great fun interacting with the kids especially those who liked to play with my guitar! We sang and danced and laughed all morning and the bubbles were a DEFINITE success!

This afternmon we went to another orpahnage a bit further out of town where with did music, crafts and stories (the team "willingly" had to get on all fours to be sheep for the shepherd and one lost sheep illustration!) had great fun at my craft station making masks and a definate highlight was when one of the lads broke out in song with the only "english" somg he know - Rude by Mag!c - (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIh2xe4jnpk)

Tonight we finished with tea (the carbonara was top notch!) and had debrief and a challenging session on 'hearing Gods voice'. Time for bed now!

God bless Mim x

I also forgot to mention....got an email saying I have my FIRST uni interview - Leeds!

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