Dry run for Halloween

I do hope this doesn't offend anyone. It's deliberately cartoony rather than gruesome, and was an exercise in Photoshop not in Photoshock. Now what to do for Halloween. What to do?

Watched a recorded documentary on Guy Fawkes last night. It was really interesting as I, and I assume most of us didn't really know the full details of the plot. Turns out that Guy Fawkes was really only a small fish in the scheme of things but became infamous simply because he was watching over the gunpowder when he was caught. He and his fellow conspirators, those not killed in the groups last stand were executed. Made me cringe when the judges words were read out - 'your privy parts shall be cut off and burned before your eyes'. I'm struggling to think of a worst punishment given that they were then eviscerated, had their heads chopped off and were quartered. Got to admire Guy though. He jumped off the scaffold and broke his neck, saving himself an awful lot of agony in the process.

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