A town called Dallas

Mens prison this morning....was pretty intimidating being the outdoor cage surrounded by people jeering but another experience i will never forgot! Only unfortunate this was as it was outdoors the prisoners got too cold so we weren't able to pray for them!

The afternoon has DEFINATELY been the highlight of the trip so far! Spent it in a gypsy village (Dallas) where we just worshipped God and tried to bring some light into a pretty awful place! Made me angry to be honest...the people were so proud/happy with the little they had but HOW is it fair for these people to be alright with this...they deserve SO MUCH BETTER!

We danced around and joked together and sung My Lighthouse by Rend collective http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtIv2lnkTY about 5 times (on their request!) and just listened to them and shared stories and testimonies. I held this BEAUTIFUL little girl for most of the time (reckon she was no older than about 2!) and loved EVERY SINGLE MOMENT! Such community in a place where it would be so easy to just live for yourself - definitely think the UK should adopt this attitude!!

Pizza,Uno and debrief tonight. Ended in the team praying for each other which was again pretty special - definately things to digest. Got a JAM PACKED day tomorrow though so off to bed now!
M x

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