Led-Hoop performance in Purnauskis Carneval

Hubby picked me up from the office, then we headed to grocery shopping (like everyone else, I noticed). After that we accidentally ended up to the Purnauskis Carneval at Emil Aaltonen park (at that time we didn't know what that happening was). I was thrilled! There were carved pumpkins, a tent with a DJ, illuminated trees and few booths. It all looked magnificent in the dark and the music was good too. We saw an impressive led-hoop performance, and left to home after that.

Flickr set

At home I googled what was going on there -- the carneval celebrated the opening of the first cat cafe in Finland. I learned that seven cats will live in the cafe; Lumi, Kyösti, Miki, Piki, Nurri, Viiru and Evo

Blog of the Cat Cafe Purnauskis

Artists of the carneval :

Juju https://www.facebook.com/jujumusiikki
Tremont Futuristics
DJ Mefisto Future Bass Tampere
Foilhat Space DUB


Unia Unia
Pyrokratia Crew https://www.facebook.com/pyrokratia

Happy Halloween!

+5° C, cloudy

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