Halloween Night

We had a handful of people over for the children's holiday.

From the top left...going clockwise.

1. Shelley's grandson Brody as an infection control worker.
2. Shelley's granddaughter Belle as a puppy.
3. Merrick as a fireman.
4. My daughter Karen as Catwoman.
5. Grandma Lisa's jello.
6. Dog Pali as a cheerleader.
7. Dog Carter as a football player.

Besides the jello, Lisa made her famous BBQ, and I made my not-so-famous mac and cheese. Halloween frosted sugar cookies for dessert.

It was a real bad night for the trick-or-treaters to be out. 35-40F, with rain and snow flurries. We usually get between 3-4 hundred kids, and I'm guessing tonight that we had maybe 200.

MU-WAH-HA-HA!!! Lots of candy left for me. (I've already put 5 little candy bars in the freezer.)

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