
By stellarossa

¿Qué onda, amigo?

In the early hours I awoke to shouting downstairs, finding Josh merrily home from his Hallowe'en party engaged in a loud bout of League of Legends. I succinctly explained the discourtesy of his behaviour in a manner suitable to the hour and level of irritation. Future housemates and neighbours - I am doing this for you too!

A few restless hours later instead of leaping from my bed as the alarm bleeped me to consciousness, I felt a tight grip around my lower back and realised I was unable to pull myself up even to a sitting position. The dreaded disc again. How do you find - or even ask - someone at 5.30am to please please drive a carful of junior rowers to London and back? Thankfully Joe's mum came to rescue and they set off as I gulped handfuls of drugs and pondered the prospect of another herniated disc.

As I engaged in my routine of hot baths, drugs, hot water bottles and despair, Tom and his crew were putting in a stunning performance at the Fours Head and thanks to the wonders of the internet I could see their results as they got them - finishing a fantastic 6th position well up with the tops juniors crews in the country - not bad at all considering three of them are just 15 and have 3 more years of competing in this category. And finally they beat Westminster.

In celebration Tom donned his sombrero and set off for the Mexican-themed after-party. I filled myself up with painkillers and drove the cake round there - not a good move, back for a bath and a refill of the drugs.

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