Latvian socks

These are my Latvian handknitted wool socks which I bought off Etsy. I love them, they are so comforting and I need comfort today.

I feel like a have very nervous butterflies constantly flying around in my stomach. I've done quite a few hours of study today and I feel full of adrenalin and tired and off-balance all at the same time. I went out for food at lunchtime and I had to really force myself to eat which is amazing considering how appalling my diet has been the last few months.

Study for me now is mainly tidying up and adding a few little bits here and there oh and reading through. I can't quite tell if I will be finished tomorrow or not. I've added 1000 words in the last few days so I am going to go through my chapter 5 again before I go to sleep and see if I can lose a few words as I have entered the word count unacceptability zone at the mo. I'm going to sit here and watch some Father Ted for a bit and then back to it! :-)

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