But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

It's Good to Talk.

A man was supposed to arrive first thing this morning to service the central heating, it needed doing, it wasn't working. He arrived at three o'clock having phoned us first thing this morning to say his van had broken down. It struck me as being a little poetic, it just needed something similar to have happened to his repair man to complete the chain.

While we were waiting, we went round the house looking for things that belonged in the kitchen to put away, the height of achievement was finding my favourite kitchen knife which was last seen a month ago. We should have realised it was on the hand rail at the top of the stairs covered by a table cloth.

During the morning I popped down to the post office and passed these two men working on a roof, trying to repair a weak point of traditional Scottish architecture. The join between the upstanding gable end and the slated roof cannot be sealed and so water ingress is inevitable. It could be worse, there was a time within living memory when Embra cooncil were building houses with flat roofs.

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