The North Island (Pied) Fantail

Also known as Piwakawaka (described as an abundant native). There is a black phase, seen mainly in South Island. As seen her, the tail is white, except for the two central feathers which are black, with white tips.

I have seen the piwakawaka often enough earlier this year, and have either nor had a camera, or more often been unable to get focussed before the bird is somewhere else. They dart here, there, and everywhere. And they are small, just 16 cm long half of which is the tail.

Using the Pentax and the fixed telephoto lens, and my own eyes to focus. I was able to get a number of shots, mostly with worse focus than this. I had focussed on the tail, hopping that would also show the body. Its position on the trunk of a pohtukawa kept it in the shade.

This is the 46th bird species I have photographed this year.

Later in the morning we visited S' cousin's new home with the boys, who had a great time making friends with the sheep, running around in the fields, and looking at the birds. They fed the hens and "found" four eggs which they were allowed to bring back and have for lunch. Post lunch a walk on the beach for me, and an hour and a half of throwing rocks, paddling and falling the water for them. They love it here.

Additional: I have posted a photo of a lustily (and probably lustfully)singing tui in my blipfolio

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