The Stages of Autumn ........

......... all on one branch!

From green to dark golden brown ...... just shows the strange weather we are having this year. A very wet morning - the rain actually woke me up in the early hours but it seems to be clearing now and there are some bright patches in the sky - fingers crossed.

Himself went sea fishing yesterday and came home with skate ..... never eaten it, never cooked it so will have to have a bit of a research through the cookery books and see what I can do with it - it's in the freezer until I decide :-))

Thank you for all the lovely comments you left for my morning sky - very much appreciated indeed.

Hope your weather is better than ours right now .....

~ Anni ~

Groan of the Day

The police arrested two kids yesterday ...
One was drinking battery acid and the other eating fireworks ...
They charged one and let the other off!

Ba-ba-boom ..... :-)))

NIKON D5200 : f/5.3 : 1/25" : 66mm : ISO 160

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