Happy Birthday Red Boy!

It is a double celebration today. Firstly, it is Cousteau's 9th birthday.

He is my friend, my boy and my loyal companion. At nine, you'd think he'd have calmed down a bit, but after a rather comfy night on little Miss AB's bed, he has had a very full and energetic day. He also had a bit of a vomit session around lunchtime, which scared me a bit. He's fine now though, after a long and enjoyable walk.

It is also six months since Mr Barking and I were married. I can't believe how quickly six months can pass, but pass it has.

We are both fighting colds and tiredness and are looking forward to tucking in for an early night. We need to be a bit more gentle with ourselves; we can't keep going at 100 miles an hour indefinitely. We've promised ourselves a quiet and restful Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday.

Happy Birthday Cousteau, and to the lovely Lenci too. Cousteau loves to sit outside the screen door, watching what is going on inside and out. It makes me giggle when he lines himself up with the gaps. I think he looks like he's wearing glasses.

Catch you all tomorrow.


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