
By scharwenka

A Good Sign

Do a few snowdrops and crocuses signify spring?

At any rate, the difference between the lengths of day and night is tending towards zero (and the rate of change of length approaches its maximum).

I read yesterday that the vernal equinox will be "at" 17:52 on 20 March. Doesn't that sound funny? The day and night will be of equal lengths some time in the late afternoon (before sunset) of a particular day? I think they are talking astronomical equinox. In fact, around this neck of the woods, it looks like the equal day and night lie on 17?18 March (sunrise 17/03 at 06:14:04; sunset 18:13:37; sunrise 18/03 at 06:11:44). Never mind the equator and the ecliptic!

Whatever the interpretation, the day fast approaches. Then the sun will set ever more towards the north, and I will be able to say in my pessimistic way "only three months until the days start getting shorter again".

But it's hard to summon up the requisite gloom and pessimism when the flowers are like this and the sun is shining on them.

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