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The final push!

Today was manic. After 8 weeks of often slow contemplation, detailed and in depth archaeological discussion (coupled with mountains of paperwork and occassional actual digging), today brought the last official day on site and the customary mad rush to get finished. We think we managed it... just, but will have the opportunity to tie up some loose ends.

So, here is the Bronze Age archaeological site I first discovered on 3rd September, finally revealed in all its glory (well as much as you are ever likely to see). The site stretches off under the edges of the trench, so is much more extensive than we have investigated, but we have lots of information to digest and interpret and we will know an awful lot more about the Bronze Age in the Stornoway area by the end of it.

It is quite an art drawing and recording a site as the sun goes down!

The evening brought a well earned curry and a few beers.

Looking forward to gaun hame.

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