Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Je t'aime Paris...

I just love Paris, I love the streets , the architecture, the little cafe, the coffee, the people's rudeness and kindness, it's whole atmosphere on a sunny or rainy day and night.

I brought Peggy an engagement ring in Paris and walked the streets with my daughter sat in her buggy on sunny day while Peggy was working at a college. I've been lucky enough to be a VIP at the TDF on several occasions and stayed with a good friend who is high up in the Republican Guard. As a family we even got to walk through their barracks visiting the stables and beautiful horses.

Paris is very close to my heart because of the great memories I have and the people I have shared some special times with.

My thought today is about places and follows on from yesterday's image. This is another picture that hangs in our hallway.
I suppose I'm saying that you should always take the time to visit a place and get to know it the best you can... Look past the tourists traps and take a step back and really breath in the culture and people.

It's amazing what you will find out and see.

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