
By Nigel


My favourite little section of the bookcase, slightly marred by one of Jen's old Eddings fantasy novels. I had hoped for a better picture today but it got late and I was saved by World Book Day and the large number of book pics I've just seen on everyone else's pages.

After the excitement of the last couple of days, sorting out some major PHP hassles, getting a new dining table and being offered a job I found myself wondering what to do with myself now that I don't need to spend large portions of the day stressing about not being a very well organised freelancer.

I went for a long walk in the rather beautiful Sun and enjoyed it without trying to photograph it.

I stopped at Maqbools near the Mosque and bought some mutton for a curry tomorrow (much nicer than lamb).

I watched a couple of episodes of 'The X-Files', never having seen past series 6 I thought it was time to catch up.

I spent some time tidying up the piece of music I that I was composing till 4am this morning after a bit too much wine but when the inspiration comes you have to take the reins and ride it till it's done. I'm still finding my way around Ableton Live but I'm not sure I'll ever touch Cubase again, there is only so far the tape metaphor can take you and Ableton's approach is much more, dare I say, organic? i'm not too sure what I'm doing with the built in instruments so I have pretty much stuck to tweaking presets but I'm sure that if I pick up the manual it will all become clear. Tomorrow I think it will be time to MIDI it up to the keyboards and have some more fun.

Various Artists - Alternative 90s
Rainbow - Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow
Hybrid - Wide Angle

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