Old Man's Beard

A little reminder that it's Movember.

I know it's moustaches, not beards which help to raise awareness for Movember but I can't grow a moustache (mercifully!!!) and I didn't come across any today so some of this 'Old Man's Beard' it is -

Info: Like other members of the Clematis genus, old man’s beard or traveller’s joy climbs (or scrambles ) over other plants using its leaf stalks (petioles) and flower stalks. The leaves are not unlike the familiar garden forms of Clematis. The leaf stalks entwine around any convenient support / structure in their vicinity and then lignify (become woody). The leaves are described as opposite and 1-pinnate, that is, they have one pair of leaflets opposite to each other plus one terminal leaflet. As the plant grows and matures, it forms woody stems which can be as thick as a wrist; the plant can grow to a height of 40 feet or more.

I'm home alone so far this evening after a long day at work. Mr T is giving a talk and demonstration to a pack of Cubs (junior scouts) in Telford on Aviation in the hopes that they can tick off yet another of their badges!! Basic Aviation Skills Activity Badge. I know he'll do a very good job.

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