One went.. Walkabout

Today I had to go out to do some shopping so stopped of at the Cardboard Cathedral to get some photos of the small fibreglass Giraffe sculptures which are around the city just now, these ones were painted by children. I have done two blips on different ones now... this blip I did on Tuesday and this blip I did on Monday about them.

The lady at the Cathedral said that I have just missed the 6th one they had there as it was making its way to the airport. They made a mistake and put it in the wrong place.

Yesterday someone kicked Space Wild Giraffe at Malvern Park so had to bring him in for some TLC. The police are investigating into the incident. They hope to have Space Wild back out on the trail very soon. That is so say to read about that!

by Mary Ann Hoberman

I like them.
Ask me why.
Because they hold their heads up high.
Because their necks stretch to the sky.
Because they’re quiet, calm, and shy.
Because they run so fast they fly,
Because their eyes are velvet brown.
Because their coats are spotted tan.
Because they eat the tops of trees.
Because their legs have knobby knees.
Because. That’s why
I like giraffes.

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