
By SeaGypsy49

Craig and his friend Poppy.

Craig has an awful dry cough, and has coughed and coughed. He is on medication for it, but it seems to be worse today. Luckily he goes back to town tomorrow. He coughed on & off through the night, but really started about 4.00am, I finally got up just after 5.00am, as it was driving me nuts, as it has done all day long.
He went to sleep on the settee about an hour after getting up, slept for about 3 hours, and has been awake all afternoon. Finally got him back to bed about 8.30pm!! I just hope we don't get it.
So tomorrow it is off to town (again!) drop Craig off, then do some chores, and then stop the night with friends, and in the morning go an put up the stall for Pelorus Promotions at the Garden Marlborough fete. Help with that all day, then pack up and drive back home.
I am hoping that we will have enough people to help us, so that I can get away to visit my uncle on his birthday, along with his other brother and his sister, who is also my godmother. They are all in their 80's and Aunty D is flying down from Auckland to join the family. They are the only 3 left out of 8 brothers and sisters, of whom my mother was one.

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