
You catch me in the middle of a busy morning, making a St. Clements polenta cake and listening to Shinichi Atobe. I've already been out for lemons, stamps and photocopies. Atobe is apparently a reclusive Japanese dub-techno genius, unearthed by the Demdike Stare boys, who have put out a selection of material he's produced since his previous, and only, cult 12" release 13 years ago. It's really good - like the very best peanut butter, it's somewhere between crunchy and smooth ('smunchy,' perhaps...), though the rolling, beatier tunes edge it, for me, over the more ominous, Kerridgey ambient stuff...

Went to see 'Mr. Turner' last night and found it surprisingly enjoyable, given that I'm neither a fan of period drama or, particularly, Mike Leigh. It's by no means an easy watch - there's no denying it's very long and pretty slow - but it's visually arresting, earthily real and beautifully put together. It also raises as many questions as it answers, which is refreshing in a biopic. We had to resort to Wikipedia when we got back to work out who all those female relatives were.

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