Cow's arse

November Theme Challenge: Friday Fifty use a focal length of 50mm – any lens, any topic

Today has been a cow's arse of a day weather-wise. Heavy rain, extra wet rain, colder rain than of late and with enough wind just to make sure it gets up the insides of your sleeves, down your neck and through any weak part of your waterproofs.

Walking the dogs was not that enjoyable, especially the last quarter mile, walking into the wind and driving rain.

I took this after our lunchtime walk and from the drivers seat of the car (I was stationery, I hasten to add!). The camera lens had steamed up, I had rain dripping from every part of me and I had Sigyn the Inquisitive poking me and the camera with her sodden snout. I even got part of my wing mirror. I don't care.

I have since been to work but am now home again, with Gorgeous who I think needs a massage to sooth his aching, hard working body.

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