Dulled senses

November Theme Challenge: Saturday Senses – any of our 5 senses implied or evident in your image

Today I sat doing paperwork at the laptop, rushing to get done so I could get out and feel the sun on my face.

Before long I was ready for an early walk with the doggies...We zoomed off in the car, jumped out at our destination and got a soaking from start to finish. I'm not impressed. Instead of sunshine, I felt cold rain. To add insult to injury, just across the way running parallel to me were blue skies and a rainbow...humpf. Wrong time, wrong place I guess.

The rainbow was quite dull to match my senses...including my sense of humour. I am now preparing to go to the gym before work. Then I'll hurry back home to PW who has been working far too hard lately. I think we need a bottle of wine to wind down with in the coming days...

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