On the menu this evening...

... I can offer you an Olive Rabbit.

It was surprisingly mild (or at least not as cold as expected). The persistent southerly of the past few days died away and it was absolutely stunning.

Tonight I was there to give Spey casting another crack with the fisher-hunter. It's been a work in progress and I've been watching plenty of youtube and vimeo to get the basics in my head.

I spey fished all evening and well after dark. I sense your eyes glazing over but it is poetry and I'm in love with it. I was using a smaller lighter rod which probably helped but more than that I just seemed to make a break through. Still a lot to learn but I'm under way.

I also caught my first of any species on a fly rod. Unfortunately an eel rather than a sea run trout but that's ok.

A superb evening where the Olive Rabbit stayed in my bag. What fly did I use? I'm the devoted fisher that I am, I won't be telling you that ;-)

Steelhead dreams on vimeo if you want to see the grace and beauty of spey casting.

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