Pet Rats

Basil and I took a trip to the Garden Warehouse, Swadlincote, to recharge discounted dog food supplies that I can't find anywhere else and to pick up one or two doggy things for Christmas.

It is not a prepossessing shop, but there's so much in it and the staff are really friendly and helpful. Basil disgraced himself by cocking his leg near the till. They just wiped it up and said 'it happens all the time.'

They have a small animals and birds pet area, where I spotted these rats huddling in a corner.

Basil was very taken with the Grey and the Green parrots and stood up at the glass partition to study them. The grey one kept saying, 'Hello.' When Basil moved away, the parrot came to the glass and tapped on it with its beak to try and attract Basil's attention.

Did I mention the sharks? Two sharks circling a big tank in the middle of all the other fish tanks.

Then we went for a walk round the Eureka park before heading for a playtime session with Kal.

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