
By mar

Exaggeration is to paint a snake and add legs

Exaggeration is to paint a snake and add legs
Proverb quotes

At least if they had legs, I wouldn't have this tremendous fear of the evil, vile creatures.

Michael and Charlotte went to the Enginuity Sci-Tech Fair while I was in the STEM conference today. I managed to pop downstairs when there was a break as I was worried they might have been a bit bored... was I ever wrong! There was so much for them to see and do! I heard all about the reptile man and the things Charlotte did but it didn't hit home until I saw the photos.

Besides becoming an assistant to the reptile man and taking the vile creatures around the room to show everyone, she also made goop, help build a tutor house with waddle and daub, worked with a glass maker, tested a glider they built and that was all on top of the normal brilliant Enginuity fun!

My conference was actually interesting as it was showing how museums can and are working with schools (primary to universities) to integrate the curriculum and the changes that are going to be made to be inline with Sir Jim Rose report. Yeah, that stuff interests me.

More photos are here, if you dare.

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