Warm glow

November Theme Challenge Day 8 : Saturday Senses – any of our 5 senses implied or evident in your image

A slightly later start today and a wander up the hill with the dogs under clear skies. My head was filled with a list of things I had to get done at work before the electrician arrived.
I was soon trundling off to work, picking up a few bits on the way. Time seem to zoom past as I made the final connections and checks on my work. Phil arrived to make sure all the right electrictrickery was in the right places.
Soon enough it was time to light the boiler and it functioned perfectly. There is something very primal about the biomass boiler, especially this one, where the flames in the burn pot are so visible. The warm glow of the flames filled the room, a lovely light as the sun set outside.
Within an hour the house was lovely and warm, the customer delighted to have heating in their house again. They had disconnected their heating in January when it broke down.
I am waiting now for my beautiful fiancée to return from work. A celebration is in order!
Today's shot is perhaps a tenuous link to the challenge, but the boiler in operation is a lovely sight....

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