
By eunique

After Church

..people leaving the church grounds after evening mass.

My dad, bro and I went to Parkway shopping centre after mass. It isn't every day -- or week, for that matter-- that we'll go out as a family. My brother usually hates going out, especially if it's for shopping, but surprisingly he suggested going there today, as he has to buy a pair of good shoes for work! lol..

Had a good dinner at this Indonesian restaurant on the 3rd level. Simply lovely dishes.. I knew my dad always loved them, but it was only today that we found out that my bro enjoys them too! I found it unusual 'cos he doesn't usually take much vegetables nor spicy food, which Indonesian dishes has lots of. When he ordered a dish of fried beancurd-egg ('goreng tauhu teloh'), I couldn't contain my surprise! ("I didn't know you eat BEANCURD!!!?!") haha.. My bro gave me a dead-panned look and said, "There's a lot of stuff you haven't seen me eat".

Right after that we went shopping for shoes, and guess what? It took my brother barely 10mins to look around and purchase the pair he wanted..!

ahhh~ MEN. ;)

heh.. hope to have more of these little outings with the family.. though it's highly unlikely, so I'd better cherish any chances that come our way...

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