A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Turn Turn Turn

Arenaria interpres

Spent a happy day on the shore scouring for birds with my bird spotting scope, an item which I spent a very long time deciding whether to buy or not but which I now declare to be the greatest invention ever.

Birds spotted which I would never have seen without the scope include a very dapper male Goldeneye, a small group of Long-Tailed ducks, Mergansers and a pair of Goosanders. The first two I knew potentially lived here but I have never seen them here before. Far too far away for a photo but I got a lovely clear view through the scope. I also got a brilliant view of Grey Seals wandering about just under the water, occasionally sticking their heads up.

In fact I was having so much fun I completely forgot about my mission to try some black and white bird photography after seeing some cool photos in a 1930's book on waders. Luckily these Turnstones show up surprisingly well given their camouflage coating. The idea is that it will force me to consider the background properly. Although it might not work too well if I keep forgetting what it is I am supposed to be doing.

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