Splash of sun

Lovely day however started with a light frost. Thought it might be time to empty various water containers around the house. We have 3 x 300 liter containers in various spots for watering the flowers, the swimming pool needed to be 2/3rds emptied and above all the cellar under the horse stables emptied. It's a good source of emergency water if we had a fire (there must be some 150,000 liters) and in early winter is warmer than the surrounding area BUT when it gets really cold and turns to ice, then it's an iceberg and makes it very difficult to keep the horse drinking water pipes free. So out with the petrol water pump and firehoses.

Postman drove up to the house and was thrilled a delivery I have been waiting for since Tuesday from Holland, had eventually arrived. Disappointment great when it turned out to be a registered letter, luckily not from a court but from Jeep (now Fiat), reminding me to get something replaced as a result of a recall.

The dogs adore the postman and respect him more than anyone (ourselves included) and he always spends a few minutes with them. We offered him a coffee but he said he couldn't as he had the wonderful job of having to deliver to every single house as one of the German national newspapers was giving away a special issue to celebrate the fall of the Berlin war 25 years ago. I bet there were some pretty annoyed postal workers!

MrB luckily popped by in the evening and took home some of the vegetables that need to be harvested before the frosts come - carrots, fennel, leeks and a massive beer radish.

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