Nut Press

By katheastman

Burning the candles...

A much earlier start than usual today in an attempt to get more out of my days, like walks in daylight, and suppress my inner night owl, who insists I spend half the day in my PJs, even if I am writing.

Day One was a resounding success! I got up when the alarm went off. (It had nothing to do with the squirrel setting his alarm for a minute later than mine, and threatening to throw cold water over me if I didn't get up. Not one bit.)

I've written, gone to writers' group, critiqued and read out my own work, and come home and written some more. I'm still slightly behind where I should be for NaNoWriMo but I'm within sight of it.

I'm going to read for half an hour and have an early night, so that I can do the same (minus writers' group) again tomorrow.

'Night owl all!

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