Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

On the way

10am meeting on a Sunday must be a first. But what an achievement that a year ago, this was only an idea. Now the key team has more or less defined roles going forward so we can grow more effectively!

I now travel a lot around London, trying to see as many homes as possible. It's been incredible just walking through different areas, often places that I've never visited before.

The message at church in the evening was apt. This particular thought really got me, "Don't discount the journey and the process. You can be a blessing anywhere. Jesus didn't work only at the destination but also when he was passing through."

We are always so busy and focused trying to get 'there'. The title, the influence, the wealth... we forget that growth happens on the way and without those lessons, we simply would not be prepared for 'there' - where we want to be.

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