
By Beewriter

You Cheapskate!

I was out with Kath and Chrissie on Sunday and as we were attending the service at the cenotaph I had dug out my poppy pin. I also wore the usual paper poppy, it was the second one I'd bought as I'm always pulling them out with the strap on my camera and losing them. When we sat down in the cafe and we were perusing the pics we'd taken Kath borrowed my she looked up she spotted my poppy pin, "You cheapskate, that's a 2013 poppy!" I hadn't even noticed there was a date on it. I think she was rather harsh....I'd made an effort ha ha ha.

So, why on earth am I waffling on about Sunday I can hear you yawning....well I wanted to take a photo with a poppy for today and the only one I have now has last year's date on so I couldn't use it. I had to resort to a pic on my phone. So there you have it...the story behind this pic. Boring I know....and it doesn't get any better I'm afraid so I'd leave now if I were you...

I was working this afternoon, but it wasn't very busy so I was able to leave sooner than expected. On the one hand....YAY, but on the other BOO. I only get paid for what I do.

I nipped over the road to have a cuppa and chat with Jacqui when I got home, but now I'm in pj mode and wondering what to make for my tea. If the fun guy, who didn't appear yesterday, would like to come and prepare something tasty that would be good...actually I'd put up with anyone.......someone.......pleeeeease.

So...a boring write up and now I have to cook for one......again....sigh.


If anyone is interested in a Blipmeet

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