
By loisbiz


I came home to find this little bird sitting in the sun, close to my kitchen window, all fluffed up and his wings in a strange position and his head tucked down....attempting to avoid the wind gusts. He looked like a little ball of fluff with wings. By the time I got my camera he was looking around so I could see the yellow tint on him. He sat there until I went outside to take a better photo. I took this shot from inside because I was sure he would fly when I went out and he did.
I am staying with two of my grandchildren while their mom & dad went to Hawaii. They(the kids) are hoping there will be no school tomorrow because ice and snow are in the forecast. I suppose we will have to get up and listen to the news in the AM. I have mixed feelings...it might be fun staying home and playing board games. We can sit by the fireplace and laugh together. Yes, I prefer that

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