
By Leiflife

Pearl's World Expands

Probably the photograph speaks for itself, however a terrific struggle between cat nature and human caution led to this moment. It isn't really natural for me to limit a cat to an indoor life. The many cat companions who have shared my long life have been given the choice: "Indoors...outdoors...at your convenience, my dear." Yet Pearl was adopted soon after I had lost Sunny. Large and magnificently orange, Sunny dealt with all manner of outdoor challenges...enjoying freedom to the hilt between coming in to scoff down his food and take long naps. I am positive that Sunny, wherever he is, does not regret such a life.

Pearl came to me, very petite, and delighted with my large space for running and playing and exploring. She ate small amounts, was lean and lively and vocal while bonding with Music, Star, and me. She seemed to want nothing more than the protected life I offered her. The porch helped.

That was a year ago. Over the months, all has changed, Pearl has bulked up - mostly in her middle. When bored as she often has been, she thinks food is the answer. Her interest in play is short-lived while her demand for attention is not. She is not the cuddler I had hoped for. She resents like hell that dogs get to go out several times a day, while she does not.

This week, frustrated and saddened myself by limited circumstances, I listened to Pearl and let her go. There was nothing tentative about her going. I went back inside telling myself "If she returns, she returns. I can fight this situation no longer." Pearl returned...

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